What Payment Mode Should Use for Wedding: Cash, Credit or Loans?

According to an estimate if you marry in Canada, then your pocket should have at least $ 30,000. But when a father or family thinks about this expense, his mind also comes to know whether he should pay this amount to the student loan, pay for the loan taken for his new car or home, or else can do for the necessary things. But marriage is an opportunity that is very big and a memorable for every couple, and for this big day, you do not want to leave any stone unturned. Well, if you can afford this then you definitely do but this amount is big, so do not rush into spending it. If you have $30000, it is a great pleasure for you, but make a proper plan to spend such a large amount because once the amount goes out of hand then can't be back. If you are not worth it, that you able to spend such a large amount or you can spend but not at one time then you can use a credit card or personal loan for the wedding day. But the questions are how to use them. We will discuss this in thi...